0411 913 825   enquiry@linssy.com.au

Business Tax Services

The complexity of Australia's tax law has profound effects on taxpayers and business owners to meet their tax obligation. At Linssy & Co Accountants, we can assist taxpayers and business owners with all types of tax obligations as required under the Income Tax Assessment Act (ITAA 1936 & ITAA 1997), Capital Gains Tax Act (ITAA 1986), Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986, Superannuation Act 1922 and Payroll Tax Act 2007 including indirect taxes from RevenueNSW.

We can assist taxpayers either resident or non-resident with incomes from wages/salaries, property investment, pensions and annuities, franking dividends, income from trusts, partnerships, capital gains, crypto currency, foreign income, income from disposable of shares. You can rest assured that we will use all possible tax credits, tax offsets, deductions to minimise your tax liability in order to obtain a maximum tax refund.

If you are the business owner we can provide advice and guidance on all tax matters relating to BAS lodgement, Capital allowances claim, FBT and CGT, business income tax returns, payroll tax, super guarantee levy, transfer duty, land tax, and any employee's HR and/or payroll- related matter such as Annual and LSL leave, Redundancy and Employment Terminations Payment calculations.

If your business aren’t meeting tax obligations or is falling behind in regard to reporting requirement, we can provide guidance in order to rectify your tax obligation to ATO or RevenueNSW. If your tax affairs have been targeted by ATO or your tax obligation has fallen behind and finding yourself receiving correspondence from the ATO, then it is advised that you contact us immediately so we can work with you to ensure all your business tax obligations are up-to-date.

IAS/BAS Lodgement

Are you looking for an experienced BAS Accountant. Our qualified accountant can assist BAS lodgement for your business. We’re very thorough and ensured your BAS returns will be tax compliance.

IAS/BAS Lodgement

Personal Income Tax

Our individual income tax service can assist taxpayer with investment property. We would ensure your tax liability will be minimised by using all possible work-related expense deductions, rental expense deductions, salary sacrifice, salary packaging, tax offsets, tax rebate, and tax credit. Our accountants will ensure you paid less tax and obtain a maximum tax refund.

Personal Income Tax

Sole Traders Income Tax

We know the ins and out about many sole traders’ business. Our accountants will ensure your tax liability for the income you earned will be offsets by small business tax rebate, super contribution, instant asset write-off and all deductions you have incurred. We will provide advice about BAS return, annual tax return, tax strategies to reduce tax liability in order to maximised your income.

Sole Traders Income Tax

Company Income Tax

Our accountants specialised in corporate income tax return. Our tax-effective planning is about tax minimisation strategies to reduce your company income tax liability. We will examine all tax areas to providing advice to maximising profit and driving growth for your business.

Company Income Tax

Partnership Income Tax

A partnership business can be very complicated as incomes are not directly tax to the partnerships. A partnership carrying on a business distributes income or losses between the partners. Our accountants help you to reduce tax liability by maximised deductible expenses, tax offsets, tax rebate, tax credit, contribution of super, and tax depreciation.

Partnership Income Tax

Trust Income Tax

Trust income is complicated by the potential tax consequences that can arise if misused or failed to execute the deed. Our accountants ensure trusts or their beneficiaries who have received substantial income are registered. We can assist the trustee how to distribute income and capital from a discretionary trust can overall lower the tax payable.

Trust Income Tax

SMSF Income Tax

Our SMSF accountants will keep you up to date with regulatory changes and understand the complexities of managing your own super fund. We can assist you with SMSF audit and annual SMSF tax return. We can help you plan and implement your investment strategy to minimise income tax payable.

SMSF Income Tax

Capital Gains Tax

Our accountants are specialised in Capital Gains Tax. Did you incur Capital Gains from one of the 54 categories of CGT events? We will help you to identify the correct CGT event and declare the gains accordingly in your tax return. The disposable of assets or business is common capital gains by most taxpayers. We will provide advice how you can reduce tax liability.

Capital Gains Tax

Fringe Benefits Tax

Our accountants can assist in all types of fringe benefits tax calculation such as salary arrangement, Board fringe benefits, housing fringe benefit, LAFHA Fringe benefits, Cars and Car leasing FBT, expense payment fringe benefits, entertainment-related fringe benefits, property fringe benefits, and loan and debt waiver fringe benefits.

Fringe Benefits Tax

Non Resident Taxpayer

Are you a non-resident business owner or temporary resident or holidaymaker taxpayer in need of help with your tax return. Our accountants can assist you to lodge your tax return to ensure you pay no more tax than required.

Non Resident Taxpayer

Accounting Services

At Linssy & Co  accountants, we have combined 30-years experiences in commercial and public practice. We can help you to manage all your financial transactions and business tax obligations to ATO with smooth sailing. Our accounting service is extended beyond bookkeeping and tax returns. We will provide financial analysis and management accounting services in order to ensure your business is sustainable and profitable.

Our accountants will endeavour to add values to your business by reducing inefficiency business operation. Providing strategies to reduce costs, increase revenue and legally minimise tax liability. We can help you to minimise your tax liability from your business income using all possible accounting methodology and tax strategies such as business incentives, depreciation tax claim, carry back loss, rebates and credits, offsets and deductions and others taxes.

We offer personalised financial, management accounting and payroll services to small to medium size entity include but not limited to:

  • Bookkeeping
  • Prepare GST/BAS/FBT lodgement
  • Processing employee payroll
  • Xero and MYOB training
  • Balance sheet reconciliation
  • Internal audit of accounts and payroll
  • Monthly management reports including scorecards, KPIs and financial ratios analysis
  • Cashflow & Budgeting forecasting versus actual with commentaries on variances
  • Revenue and Expenses situation analysis
  • What-if-scenario Cashflow analysis
  • Breakeven analysis
  • Fixed assets maintenance
  • Accounting for leases
  • Advice on process improvement and accounting procedures.

Financial Statement Service.

Linssy & Co Accountant can assist your business to prepare comprehensive financial statements to gauge the financial performance of your business, or it can be used for your entity reporting obligation to ACNC or ASIC. We prepare financial statements using accrual-basis accounting and AASB accounting standards. These accounting standards will assist in the creation of financial reports such as your Balance Sheets, Statement of changes in Equity, Income Statements and Cashflow.

Management Accounting Service

Linssy & Co Accountants can assist your business with management accounting, include but not limited to:

  • Cashflow and Budget forecasting versus Actual
  • Managing costs and pricing using standard costing or ABC method
  • Manage Cashflow and Working Capital
  • Breakeven and Profitability analysis
  • Financial analysis and tax planning from short to medium term
  • Sales and expenses forecast with variances
  • Reduce cost drivers to improve bottom line
  • Financial statement with scorecards, KPIs and financial ratios analysis
  • Situation analysis of revenue, payroll, expenses, capital expenditure
  • Inventory and PPE management
  • Advise on external effects on business such as government policies and competitors
  • Risk management of business assets.

Financial and Management Accounting

Our accountants have extensive bookkeeping experience helping  business owner with their tax obligation. We will ensure your business financial transactions are confidential, and records accurately in the accounting system. Our combined bookkeeping and tax services will help your business to comply with ATO tax obligation as well as indirect taxes from Revenue NSW.

Our bookkeeping services combined with annual tax returns include but not limited to:

  • Accounts Payable and Receivable
  • BAS/PAYGW/PAYGI Lodgement-monthly or quarterly or yearly
  • Processing employee payroll
  • Lodge payroll tax and remittance of super
  • Month-end closing entries including prepayment and accruals
  • Monthly financial statements with emphasis business KPIs
  • Balance sheet reconciliation
  • Accounting and tax advise

Whether you're established sole trader or just starting your business and in need of professional accounting and tax services, our experienced accountant can assist you to comply with your tax obligation such as BAS or annual tax lodgement. We can help you to minimised your tax liability from your business income using all possible tax strategies and deductions. Our accounting and tax services for sole traders include but not limited to the followings:

  • Advise on setting up your ABN and GST registration
  • GST and other taxes advice regarding your business operation
  • Accounting for GST for your business
  • tax minimisation for your business
  • Business tax deductions
  • Capital allowance deductions
  • Annual BAS lodgement
  • Annual tax return lodgement

Our accountants are specialised in helping small business owner to operate their business efficiently and profitably. We will endeavour to add values to your business by reducing inefficiency business operation and devise strategies to reduce expenses, increase revenue and legally minimise tax liability. Our professional accounting and business services include, but are not limited to:

  • Accounting and Payroll System set up and implementation
  • Payroll process and procedures
  • Fixed assets maintenance
  • Balance sheet reconciliations and internal audit
  • BAS Lodgement
  • Capital gains and fringe benefit tax
  • Profitability and business expenses analysis
  • Cash Flow & Budgeting forecasting and Analysis
  • Monthly Management accounts including scorecard, KPIs, EBITDA and variances commentaries
  • Annual tax returns and financial statement.

Linssy & Co accountants can assist your business to prepare a set of financial statements for your business. We can prepare financial statements using AASB accounting standards. These accounting standards will assist in the creation of financial reports such as your Balance Sheets, Income Statements, Statement of changes in Equity, and Cashflow under an accrual-based accounting system.

We’re providing more than just a Balance Sheet, Statement of changes in Equity, Cashflow and Income Statements. Our accountants will examine the metric such as KPIs and financial ratios to advise how your business can improve profitability and reduce inefficiency and to reduce tax liability.

Linssy & Co Accountant can assist business to interpret financial data, forecasting and budgeting. The reports will help to operating business efficiently and reduce costs and increase revenue. We will be examining operational, financial performance and dissecting qualitative and quantitative data. Our accountants will provide but not limited to the following management accounting services:

  • Budget and Cash flow forecasting
  • Managing costs and pricing using standard costing or ABC method
  • Production planning and allocation of resources
  • Profitability analysis
  • Financial analysis and planning from short to medium term
  • Sales and expenses forecast with variances
  • Financial reporting and Capital budgeting
  • Financial ratios analysis
  • Situation analysis of revenue, expenses, capital expenditure on ROI, and profitability
  • Advise on external effects on business such as government policies and competitors.

Linssy & Co accountants can help your company comply with the New Lease Accounting Standards. From 1st of January 2019, the new leases standard requires business to records majority of their operating leases on the balance sheet. The business PPE leases previously recognised off-balance sheet will be accounted for as a right-of-use asset and lease liability which will provide more transparency about a company’s lease commitments and subsequently the change key financial metrics such as gearing ratios, asset turnover and EBITDA.

There are two main types of leases, operating leases and finance leases, and a third related type, the sale-leasebacks. Finance leases, also called capital leases, allow the lessee to claim depreciation, while the operating lease do not show on the balance sheet.

The business fixed assets are integrated to any business operations. They provide long-term financial benefits, have a useful life of more than one year, and are classified as property, plant, and equipment (PP&E) on the balance sheet.

The accounting for fixed assets is important to your business profitability. The fixed asset is initially capitalized on the balance sheet then gradually depreciated over its useful life or instant write-off for small business asset purchase below $150K. When you failed to claim the tax depreciation your business revenue would be affected. Consequently, this will affect your business growth and survival.

A business growth and profitability can’t be achieved without a budget forecasting. It is usually 12 months projection of revenue and expenses, estimating expected profit over this time. It should be linked to your strategic and business plans and KPIs.

A cash flow forecast is a projection of receipts and payments and the timing on when they are likely to occur. Basically, cashflow forecast will estimate when the income will be received.  The cashflow forecasting is paramount to the continuing viability and operation of a business.  A cashflow forecast will also include timing of cash movements such as income tax, land tax, GST payments, payroll tax, super, capital purchases, loan repayments and dividends to be paid. A cash flow projection will predict the funds left in your bank account at the end of the period.

A cash flow forecast will also assist with smoothing out the seasonal slumps in revenue or increased expenses, thus allowing continued operation.

Are your businesses KPIs aligned with the industry benchmark? Did your business strategic plans and goals performs as expected in the context of the current economic climate.

Linssy & Co accountants can assist if the additional capital invested would be profitable or out performing the industry benchmark in the context of current economic conditions. We will examine the PESTLE and WACC(debt or equity securities) of financing capital investment and in comparison with cash flow return on investment.

Overall, a central focus of financial analysis is evaluating the company’s ability to earn a return on its capital and to generate enough cash to meet obligations and pursue opportunities. The fundamental financial analysis starts with the information found in a company’s financial reports such as the balance sheet, profit and loss statement, changes in equity, and cash flow statement.

Advisory Services

Our business services can assist a prospective business owner with the tax effective business structure and software solutions. For those individual taxpayers with high incomes and would want to maximise their retirement planning with a self-managed superannuation funds then we can assist with setting up SMSF account. It is critical for established business to organise tax planning in order to minimise their tax liability and sustain growth in the short to medium terms. We will offer tax compliance, financial statement preparation, financial analysis and business diagnostic to ensure your business is in top notch position.

Whether you are established or just started up business, we can assist you to find a suitable accounting and payroll system to streamline financial transactions. We’re proud to be Xero and MYOB business partners. We can help you to migrate to the new accounting system, or if you are just start up business, we can also assist with setting up, accounting and payroll system that are tailored to your business needs.

Company Formation

Starting a business and choosing the appropriate business structure should be most tax-effective in order to maximised profitability. By choosing the most ideal business structure can provide asset protection in case your business is in debt. There are four main structures for running a business, such as sole traders, company, partnership and trust, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Whether your business is established business or you just start up a business, our accountants can take the stress away from you and can assist with company formation process.

Without a doubt, your existing business formation or business model can have an impact on your profitability. An imperfect business structure or business plan can significantly increase your business tax liability or how it could affect personal liability through exposure to business debts and taxes.

Linssy & Co accountants can assist you to setting up the following business structures:

  • Sole trader
  • Proprietary Limited Company
  • Partnership
  • Establishing a Discretionary or Unit & Fixed Trust

Our business Formation services include:

  • Offering advice on how to decide the most suitable business structure
  • Tax registrations (ABN, GST, TFN and PAYG)
  • Registering your company’s name including ASIC certification of incorporation
  • Full legal documents for any business formation
  • Assist with ASIC annual review to check and update company details: officeholder details, share details, addresses and company name

Our tax consultant can assist your business tax planning to ascertain business cost driver and tax obligations to reduce expenses. We will examine business tax concession, and income tax law, to claim maximum tax deductions. Your business expenditure, revenue, borrowing, investment decisions and changes in government regulations could affect your business profitability and consequently, your tax liability.

Business owner undertaking tax planning with Linssy & Co accountants, will ensure your business assets are well protected and profit is maximised by examining the following tax strategies and latest tax legislation.

  • Taking advantage of small business tax concession
  • Maximise GST rebate entitlements.
  • Capital gains tax
  • Fringe benefits tax
  • Salary sacrifices or arrangement
  • Protect your assets by establishing Proprietary Limited Company or a trust
  • Management accounting such as business cashflow and budget forecasting to control expenses.
  • Capital allowance tax incentive
  • Tax compliance

Without a doubt choosing a tax, effective business structure could provide asset protection. Our Accountant can advise which business structure is suitable for your personal and business need. By choosing a tax effective business structure could help minimise your tax liability as well as taking advantage of tax strategy we will implement for your business. We ensure that your business structure allows you to maximised profitability, while providing continuous asset protection. Our accountants can assist you to set up your business structure that are most suitable for your business needs. The common businesses structures include are: Sole Trader, Company, Partnership, Discretionary and Units Trust.

Our Accountants can assist with SMSF setup. We will provide you with the necessary legal documentation to establish your self-managed super fund:

  • Supply you with the SMSF Trust Deed
  • Make an election so your SMSF is ATO regulated fund
  • Apply TFN & ABN from ATO & ABR for your SMSF
  • Supply you with resolutions and minutes that acknowledges your SMSF as having been established.
  • A confirmation letter from the ATO that your SMSF is established
  • Assist open SMSF bank account to receive rollovers, & super
  • We are Accountants and not financial planner or advisers regarding financial products or investment. Linssy & Co Pty Ltd as per Corporation Law and ASIC is not licensed to provide financial product services, or recommend that a SMSF is suitable to you.

Our experienced Accountants will ensure your business is tax compliance with the following checklists.

  • Are your business BAS/PAYGW/PAYGI or FBT lodged on time and is correctly recorded in the GL accounts?
  • Are your business payroll tax calculated correctly and land tax incurred paid on time?
  • Are your employee super guarantee remitted on time?
  • Are your annual business income lodged on time?
  • Did your business made any capital gains not declared
  • Did your business earned any foreign incomes
  • Are your company compliance with Division 7A.

Our team of qualified bookkeepers are experienced in helping small-business owners to set up your in-house accounting and payroll system. We can help you choose a package, set it up properly and get the most out of its features from Xero, and MYOB accounting system. Our bookkeepers are qualified accountant to provide systems training and ongoing support. We will assist your business with either monthly or quarterly BAS and payroll tax lodgment. We will assist with budgets and cash flow forecasting that help you plan and manage your business.

Are your businesses KPIs aligned with the industry benchmark? Did your business strategic plans and goals performs as expected in the context of the current economic climate. We will examine the PESTLE and WACC(debt or equity securities) of financing capital investment and in comparison with cash flow return on investment. Overall, a central focus of analysis is evaluating the company’s ability to earn a return on its capital and to generate enough cash to meet obligations and pursue opportunities. The fundamental analysis starts with the information found in a company’s financial statements such as the Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Statement, Statement of Changes in Equity, and Cash Flow Statement.

A financial model forecasts a business’s  performance into the future. The forecast is based on the company’s historical performance and assumptions about the future, and preparing three-statement model. The output of a financial model is used for decision-making and performing financial analysis.

  • Raising capital by issue equity or borrowing
  • Making acquisitions or mergers
  • Expanding existing or start new business venture
  • Disposing or divesting assets and business units
  • Budgeting and forecasting
  • Capital allocation
  • Valuing a business
  • Financial statement analysis/ratio analysis
  • Management accounting.

  0411 913 825
Available on weekdays 9:00am to 5:00pm (EST)
PO BOX 592 Auburn NSW 1835
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Available on weekdays 9:00am to 5:00pm (EST)

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