Linssy & Co Pty Ltd do not offer any refund once the customer has downloaded the digital product they have purchase. We are strictly adhering by the rule in “NO Refund Policy” in order to prevent abuse. We refund only at our discretion or where amounts have been paid in advance of services being provided and no part of the work to provide the service has commenced. As we are providing accounting and taxation services we do not offer refunds or returns.
If at any time you are not satisfied with the services provided by Linssy & Co Pty Ltd we suggest you contact our office in the first instance. Should we be unable to resolve any problems our customers have access to a dispute resolution process via our professional body, the APESB or the Tax Practitioners Board.
Contact Us
Complete the form below and one of our qualified and experienced staff will get in touch with you. You can also call us on 0411 913 825