Personal Income & Sole Traders Tax Return
Individual and Sole Trader with property investment
At Linssy & Co Accountants, we want to ensure your property investment can take advantage of the negative gearing and other tax deductions to minimise your tax liability and maximise your tax refund. We will provide advice what deductions you can claims, any tax offsets, tax rebates and tax depreciation claim on property to maximise your investment returns.
The Linssy & Co Accountants have many year's experiences in helping Individual, small business owner and Sole Trader taxpayers
Linssy & Co Accountants is not just providing accounting service and tax lodgement but strive to use legal tax strategies and tax deductions to reduce your tax liability and obtain maxmium refund. We have years of experience as tax advisor working with small businesses, especially with established or startup business, self-employed, contractors, franchisee and professional worker.
Our accountants are approachable, engaging and proactive. We provide personalised tax and accounting services to ensure your satisfaction with us are guaranteed. We're here to ensure you paid no more taxes than required and to reduce your tax liability and maximise tax refund. If you're ones of the followings taxpayers, and want to maximised your tax refund, then don't hesitate to consult with ones of our experienced tax accountants:
- Individual and sole trader taxpayer
- Small business owner
- Non resident business owner or taxpayer such as holidaymaker
- temporary resident taxpayer
- Property Investors
- Property developer
- Franchisee
- Cryptocurrency or future market trader
- Professional workers such as doctors, teachers, investor and university lecturer
We will provide you a checklists of what you can claims for your work related deductions, tax offsets, tax rebates, small business concession rebate, tax depreciation claims for capital work or fixtures and fittings, to ensure you obtain maximum tax refund.
Our business tax services offer tax minimization and tax strategies to reduce tax liability and legitimately use any tax loopholes to obtain maximum benefits for your property investment or reduce tax liability.
For Sole Trader, we offer accounting and tax returns service as well as annual BAS lodgement
We will help you to minimise your tax liability whether you're just ordinary taxpayer or sole traders or small business owners by using the following tax strategies:
- Salary sacrifice super
- Work related tax deductions
- Motor vehicle deductions
- repairs and maintenance deductions
- carry-back losses
- Low- and middle-income tax offset (LMITO)
- Seniors and pensioners tax offsets
- Dependant Invalid and Carer Tax Offset
- tax depreciation claim
- instant tax write-off if assets purchase less than 150K
- salary arrangement
- self education expense deductions
- Foreign tax credit
- Super income stream tax offset (15% of the taxed element and 10% of the untaxed element)
- Worked related expenses such as attending seminar or membership fees
- delay unearned income
- Write-off stocks or asset that are obsolescence
- tax planning investment to offsets income tax liability
- Tax offset for super contributions for spouse
- private health insurance rebate
- establish new business structure that is most tax effective
We offer unconditional guarantee your tax return complete from us will be smooth sailing and obtain maximum tax refund. Our tax return service ensure all your expenses, deductions, tax credit, tax rebate or tax offsets will be correctly claims. You will definitely not going to get audit from ATO if our accountants lodge your tax returns.